
This is a collection of some of my creative writing. The idea of this blog is to have somewhere to collect my work and a way to showcase my style of writing. Please feel free to browse my work. Comments are always welcome, whether they are positive, negative or constructive and if you like anything you read here, please feel free to contact me using the link provided below.

The collection is purposefully very random so as to include as much of my work as possible and will continue to grow and expand. It will contain fictional stories, poems, reviews, articles and opinions on a variety of subjects that I've written over the years. I hope you enjoy browsing through the posts here!

Please feel free to comment on anything; you don't need to sign in, just choose 'Name/URL' if you want to leave your name with your comment or choose Anonymous from the drop down menu when it asks you to choose a profile. Your comments can be positive or negative,what you liked/didn't like, what works or doesn't work, anything you want! It all helps improve my work! Thank-you and have fun!

Steven Kenny

Sunday, 26 February 2012

The Dancer

She measures her time in memories
And through the lines on her face.
She waits for him impatiently
As if frustration could quicken his pace.

They are not strangers, she knows him well
He has danced through her parlour
Many times before.
He has danced for mothers, fathers, friends
He danced for her husband, whose hand she held
Until the dance reached its bitter end.

She begged him many times to dance for her
To take her hand in his and lead a solemn waltz
But he refused to acknowledge she was even there.
He danced his grim fandango through her life
Breaking hearts, wrecking lives; his feet would never halt
As the requiem played and her life string frayed.

So now she waits for him impatiently
And for her own dance to begin.
And as he appears at her window
She stands and smoothes her skirt.
The requiem builds again,
The dancers clasp hands.
Her last waltz.

Steven Kenny

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